Aloe Vera for Horses Pets and Livestock

Natural Secrets of Aloe Vera for Your Animal

natural secrets of aloe vera for animals

Facts about Aloe Vera

Did you know that Aloe Vera is a plant that belongs to the lily family? So means it's related to garlic, onion and asparagus. There are over 200 types of Aloe Vera. But of these only 4 or 5 are commonly used. The most widely used variety is Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, this is because it is easy to cultivate and has some of the most potent medicinal properties.

This means it's natural! And has been used in complementary and alternative medicine for a long time (centuries!).

Why Aloe Vera is Full of Nutrients For Your Animal's Health

Aloe Vera comprises dozens of nutrients helpful for a healthy body. These can be divided into:

  • Amino Acids - Including essential amino acids.
  • Anthraquinones - Is found in small quantities and those present have a variety of uses.
  • Enzymes - Several enzymes can be found within Aloe Vera
  • Fatty acids - Have several properties.
  • Lignin - Inclusion in topical preparations assists the Aloe Vera to have a penetrative effect into the skin.
  • Minerals - Including - calcium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and iron.
  • Salycilic acid - Naturally occurring substance with a variety of uses.
  • Saponins - Cleansing effect with antiseptic properties.
  • Vitamins - Aloe Vera contains several natural vitamins, including vitamins' B1, B2, B6, B12, A, C and E.

Aloe Vera is also thought to have synergistic properties. This means its nutrients work together. So to have a more powerful effect than they would ordinarily on an individual basis.

How To Choose Aloe Vera Health and Skincare Products For Your Animal

  1. Make sure that the Aloe Vera product carries the International Aloe Science Council (IASC) seal of approval. The IASC is an international independent regulatory body which monitors the quality of Aloe Vera in healthcare products.
  2. Choose a product where the Aloe Vera is naturally grown.
  3. Choose a product where the Aloe Vera is the main ingredient for maximum benefits. If it's low down in the list of ingredients, there's unlikely to be much aloe vera in it unfortunately!

What Animals Can Aloe Vera Help?

Many animal owners have used Aloe Vera based products for many years. It's used with animals of all types including:

  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Horses
  • Sheep
  • Cattle
  • and many other pets and livestock can all use Aloe Vera.

  • I use Aloe products here at Taranet everyday for all the family including my animals so recommend aloe vera as part of your natural health approach.
If you've any questions about using and buying Aloe Vera with your horse, dog or other animal (or yourself!). Please do not hesitate to email me at I'm happy to offer a free product consultation!

Get more information on aloe vera for your horse here

How Should You Use Aloe Vera For Your Animal?

  • It can be used as a liquid supplement or as a skincare product.
  • Combining use of Aloe Vera products orally and topically often produces great results in skin conditions.
  • When used topically, sometimes a 'healing crisis' can occur, i.e. - looks worse before they get better. This can last for 5-10 days.
  • Topical applications usually need to be applied more frequently than conventional steroid/antibiotic creams.
  • It's been found to work in conjunction with many conventional drugs with no adverse effects. But if you (or your animal) are taking any other medication, it's always advisable to speak to your Veterinary Surgeon first. As it can sometimes affect the dosage of your (or your animal's) conventional medicine. Plus in rare cases, it may have a negative reaction with some medicines.

Articles and Video's on Aloe Vera and Animals

Please remember that no complementary therapy treatment can replace medical advice from a qualified physician. And professional veterinary/medical advice should always be sought if you (or your animal) are at all unwell before using any product/supplements.

You can get more information on many complementary therapies for animals here at Taranet. Take a look at the sitemap here for a list.

Dogs & Aloe Vera